Thursday, February 24, 2011

About this magazine !


The Boomer Magazine is published by magazine photographer John Boykin of San Antonio, Texas. It is designed to entertain and assist the combined 100 million "War Babies" and "Baby Boomers" entering retirement age.

The articles are on a variety of subjects. We offer the reader a walk down memory lane. The later years in life are different. You can make them the best years or the most difficult ones depending on your approach. We hope to bring ideas and a touch of useful information that will help avoid pitfalls as well as add enjoyment to our supposed "golden years".

                               The Bad News

Now here is the bad news. Of the 100 million combined babies we think there are going to be at least 50 million people trying to live on social security and nothing else. Those same people will be totally dependent on government for health care and possibly housing. People ! This is scary. Dependent on a bankrupt government for our income, health and hearth ? 

We are going to bring you stories about people who follow their dreams to create income and happiness. Interesting people doing interesting things while solving problems. Their own and in many cases helping others.

We hope to attract readership through the entertainment portion but sell our message through the information side. That message is "there is no fairy godmother now". You are who you are and you have what you have. Let's find ways to stay healthy and live an enjoyable life. Let's find ways to create that needed additional income by doing something we really enjoy.

This blogazine offers no magic solutions. No elixir, no "potion # 9, no work at home or get rich deals. Just a few ideas we learn from people who don't mind sharing. Some are set and don't need to make money. Others are supplementing their income in neat ways. In both situations they have found ways to improve their lifestyles and attitude toward life. And that my friends is a big deal. 

                   Retire Right

is a series explaining how some retired or soon to be retired, are creating innovative and exciting lifestyles. With about a hundred million "babies" retiring, there are some neat lifestyles evolving. This is a nudge toward creating a positive mental health situation, yes. But it is also about creating income.
If you have an interesting retirement lifestyle we would love to share it with the readers.
                Road Rules to Retirement

This short series of articles is meant to deal with the vacuum created by the new lifestyle of retirement. Time an be a blessing or an enemy depending on how we utilize it. This series merely suggest things to lead us into a positive state of mind. It's also supposed to be a little humorous. 

               Links to Resources and Pals

We add links to other blogs and web sites we think might entertain our readers. The resource links are to web sites and blogs that address specific older folks problems and remedies.   

               The Travel Series

The travel stories are photographically driven. The articles offer a variety of destinations for the traveling public. They are limited to the author's travels.

                   Book Reviews

Many folks are pursuing delayed reading projects. Here are a few personal recommendations. 


The series starts with "torch singers" and flows into "rockabilly" legends. You will find links to the artist's web sites and performance videos. Publicity photos liven things up. 


Many people are buying movies dvd's for home use. This is a series on those products we have seen and recommend. 

                Popular Culture

In the future expect to see stories on fifties radio shows, television programs, early movie stars, and matinee idols.  

We look forward to having you as our guest. Each article has a box for comments. Please feel free to speak up. If you have a story or comment you feel should be published here..we are open. Send an email.


                       John Boykin 


                The Boomer Magazine 

            The Hard Hat Photographer
                    San Antonio, Texas 


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