Sunday, January 30, 2011

Movie Review: John Adams on HBO

"The Boomer Magazine" is now offering Monday, Wednesday and Friday editions.  The subject matter will rotate through what we hope to be an entertaining variety of subjects.  It's why I call the project a "magazine" rather than a personal blog. The general topics include: Work, Retirement, Travel, Books, Movies, Food, Music, Gardening, Photography, and any special "Boomer" related events or stories I might conjure up.

We will start off with something work related on Mondays and move to lighter subjects in the middle of the week. By Friday, it's time for some fun. This Friday's article covers a great movie with an important history as well as political lesson. Enjoy !

Product Details

A group of young men once cautioned their peers to teach their children well. I second that suggestion but probably not the way they had in mind. Teach them this. John Adams and his story represent the founding our system of governing. This style, this fashion of government married to capitalist economics has proven a winner. It is a system without peers. John Adams was instrumental in bringing about this the finest gift ever given a citizenry. His story is the story of America. It is a story that the present day ruling class would prefer our children never learn.

This movie is an opportunity for you to take matters into your own hands. Gather the family, especially the young ones, make some popcorn, and have a good old movie night. Find other movies to show them and do it again. Hey ! Kids respond well to the movie format. Be a subversive, teach your children well.

John Adams on HBO is a great place to start. Try it. Send me an email to let me know how it worked out for the family.

It should be required viewing in every school year from the third grade through the twelfth. Just as history, citizenship and economics should be required courses long before all that dumb down feel good crap they feed the kids now.  

I reviewed the David McCullough "John Adams" book in an earlier blog. I am delighted to say the movie is true to McCullough's intensive labor and devotion to truth. That is a heck of lot more than you normally expect of Hollywood. 

                        John Adams book review

We purchased our CD set from but you may still be able to buy copies from book stores. I think we paid about $40 for the whole series. We ordered from Amazon.

Here's a link to the HBO web site.

Enjoy !

                            John Adams HBO film

        This article brought to you by the usual suspect @:

        John B. Boykin 
                      "The Hard Hat Photographer"
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Life's purpose is not to arrive at the grave with the body in good shape. Hell no, you want your body worn slap out, skidding in sideways, eyes bloodshot, hair smoking and all the while hollering "Yee Haw !! ...  What a ride !!" 

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