Friday, September 17, 2010

Retire Right......Green Beret, Combat Doc, Deep Sea Diver

Richard Von Trapp & John Duggan

When Colonel John Duggan told me he wanted me to meet a "really interesting" guy, I thought the Colonel had to be kidding. I mean, Colonel Duggan is one of the most interesting people I've ever met. Now he's telling me, "wait till you meet Richard Von Trapp".

Captain Richard Von Trapp

When I showed up to finish my interview with John Duggan, he was kind enough to introduce me to Richard. 

The Colonel had requested Richard's assistance in evaluating his diving instructors. They were going over their plan. I was introduced and got out of the way.

Von Trapp
I drifted around the room watching my first SCUBA class. Thirty or so people were going through various stages of instruction. I was there because of John Duggan.  He was my blog subject for the evening. 

Von Trapp and Manatee

Richard still had not put on his scuba gear. He was handling one conversation after another.

After his last chat, I went over to see if I could figure out why Colonel Duggan thought so much of Richard Von Trapp. It was time to find out. The Colonel was in the pool teaching. I had plenty of time to visit with Von Trapp.

First and foremost, Richard Von Trapp is a retired Army Captain. He was in the service of our country for thirty years. Retirement came in 2005. He began his military career as a private and worked his way up to Sargent Major while wearing the famous Green Beret. 

Flying bridge of the RV Tiburon
At some point along the career path he changed his mind and decided to go into the medical field. He not only went into medicine, he ended his military career as a Captain and a Physician Assistant. That's quite a rise from infantry private. Richard Von Trapp is an accomplished gentleman. 

Richard checking on the Sea Anchor
Von Trapp resting while filming
As Richard neared retirement, his Army buddies assumed he would go to work in one of the big hospitals. They thought he was set for a great second career in civilian medicine. Well, they were wrong.  Richard wanted a new career completely. He wanted to become a professional "Dive Bum". He's no bum but he's having a great time as a professional diver.

Richard as videographer
When Richard got out of the service, he spent a lot of computer time looking for scuba work. He didn't find much. His first job was as a camp counselor at a Sea Camp for kids. 
Sea Camp duty in the Florida Keys

The camp was for twelve to seventeen year olds studying marine sciences. It was located on Big Pine Key, Florida. He laughed and said he went from the intensity of a big, war time, military hospital to acting in nightly skits with seventh graders. 

Richard as video man
Richard said it was probably the best decompression gig anyone could find after the pressure packed thirty-year career. He said it was not what he would have picked, but it was just what the doctor ordered. The job helped him adjust to his new civilian life.

So Von Trapp spent the summer in the Keys teaching kids the undersea world. He says it was a great experience for both he and the campers. 

While at the camp he spent his days off diving. If you've spent anytime in the Keys, you know John Pennecamp State Park. You also realize the Captain had landed in dive heaven. As he explored the Keys he was able to meet lots of dive enthusiasts. One man, Tim Taylor, owned the research vessel R/V Tiburon. Tim knew a lot of people in the "underwater" business. 
The Research Vessel Tiburon

Richard called him after camp's session and explained he was now looking for a dive related job. Tim knew of a company that specialized adventure travel. He had heard through the grapevine Incredible Adventures was looking for a dive boss. IA arranges for people to do all sorts of outrageous things. 

Preparing the Shark Cage
 Examples: Go to Moscow and fly in a two seat Russian Mig. Or take a trip to outer space. Or drop under sea in a steel cage to be face to face with Great White Sharks. Plus a catalogue full of adventures. All you need is money and they can arrange darned near anything. 
Sharks watching Richard take their picture

The folks at Incredible Adventures hired Captain Von Trapp to be the Dive Safety Officer for the Great White Shark adventure. The shark cage program was located off the coast of California among the beautiful Farallon Islands. 

The Devil's Teeth in the Farallon Islands
Richard worked in this unusual venture for a couple of years.  
Outside the cage with the sharks 

Once again he called on the Captain of the R/V Tiburon. This time he was offered a position as part of the crew. The R/V Tiburon has a web site: 

Here Sharkie, Sharkie ! Richard was outside the cage taking pictures.

The site is really interesting. You might want to check it out. If you are interested in the oceanic sciences or history, it is a must.

Beautiful but deadly
Richard now serves as the Medical Officer, Deck Officer as well as Security Officer. As you look at the underwater pictures, you will see Richard acting as videographer and still photographer as well. He says they work on an assignment type basis. Von Trapp is having the time of his life. 
On board the R/V Tiburon

The Tiburon is a sixty five foot vessel with a torpedo looking sonar package. The same unmanned submersible can carry video and still photography equipment. Need an ocean bottom surveyed for ancient wrecks or topographical details? 

They do it. The ship is self- contained. They offer research results at a fraction of the cost of older ships. The Tiburon has the latest equipment, allowing them to do more with less. Presently the boat is working in the Bahamas doing studies for the University of Miami.

Here is where the military retirement paycheck comes in handy. Richard is able to go when he is needed and do other things when the Tiburon is idle or doesn't need his services.

Which leads me to two things. First, Richard's lovely wife, Currier, whom he met through his association with the Tiburon. Currier is a veterinarian in the San Antonio area. Her mother, Patricia Ayers, is a crew member on the Tiburon, ergo the connection. 

Under sea videographer Von Trapp
These two love to travel. Egypt is their next big trip. The free time from ship's duties give the couple an opportunity to chase their round-the-world dreams. 

Sea Caves
Looks to me like "Doc" Von Trapp has finally figured out who he wants to be, himself. 

I hope you enjoy these pictures. Many of the pics come from the R/V Tiburon. There are a variety of photographers involved. Richard did many of shots. We would have had more of his early military career, but that was before digital and you know how that goes.
Playing with the porpoises 

Many years ago, I read every book by Louis L'Amour. He used the same quote in many of his books. It had to do with deep trust in a person during dire times. I'll paraphrase it here,  "he's a man to ride the river with." 

Now to John Duggan I have to say, I think both of you all do really neat stuff. Let's call it a draw.

Thunderball Cave
I have invited Richard Von Trapp to come along on some of my little river treks. I don't do that with just anyone. Nuff said. 

Thanks for reading. And thank you for the neat emails.

John "Boomer" Boykin

San Antonio, Texas      (work photography)

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