Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Garden....April 22, 2013... Critter update..finally butterflies !

Did you know San Antonio is on the 
Monarch Butterfly migration route ? 

Did you know they have to have places to
 stop over in order to make the trip ?

Did you know one third of all U.S. bee colonies 
have disappeared over the past few years ?

Do you know why that is important to 
mankind's survival ? 

Do you know why you don't see the lightening 
bugs like when you were a kid ? 

Backyard gardens can help solve these problems.

Is this your natural disposition or did I make you mad ?
The garden update is good from the construction stand point. The raised beds are finished. The plants are pretty much in place. All is ready at the new Butterfly Hotel and we eagerly await our first guests. 

The first Cardinal of the year. Beautiful !
As of Friday, 4-19-13, it's been just one or two butterflies flitting through so fast they didn't have time to check out our new turn down service.
My Water !!!!
No hummingbirds have reported for summer duty. But we have been attracting a few bees and a mess of mosquitos.

Look at the beautiful patch of light blue right under this White wing's eye !
The local doves are no longer lonesome as they are being visited by their many cousins from the south. The cooing and purring is non-stop. As is the courtship rituals right above our heads.

This gecko was green, ran down the fence, went behind it for three feet and came up right here, brown ! Wow !
Only a few Cardinals and Blue Jays have shown up. I've seen a few little tweetie birds but not sure who they are. No pictures on that front yet.

I don't know if this is an Inca or a young mourning dove just getting her feathers filled in. She or he was small so I assumed it to be a yearling mourning dove. Maybe not.
Brother squirrel and his many local cousins are at work digging in the new flower beds. We have at least 8 pairs within a 100 yard diameter. 

Mr. Squirrel wants to know when those dogs are going inside.
It seems they think I am burying nuts every time I plant one of our little butterfly flowers.

Same gecko five minutes and a little different background changes the whole world for them.
As soon as I leave they are out there digging at the base of the new plant. This is new dirt and there are no nuts in it. The digging leaves the roots of the newly planted flowers exposed to the elements. 

Mister Squirrel waits for a safe time to go to the watering hole.
I lost a couple before I realized what was happening. Now I just back fill the dirt, water and hope they won't come back.

Look close, the bees are there !
I spent the afternoon of April 16 watching the back yard for butterflies. One maybe two flitted past. They had no time for laying eggs or having a little lunch.

Wish I had a longer lens or a bigger screen...see the's on top of the tropical milkweed.
I had predicted tax day, April 15, the butterflies would arrive to try to cheer up the ripped off citizenry. I was wrong. Senor Ernesto of Medina says they are smarter than we are and almost as smart as the trees. They know when the warm weather will get here and will not arrive until that time.

This bee is a little easier to see...
Flash ! I called Mr. Ernesto for clarification on the butterfly's built in weather forecaster. He said they really don't have one they look through your windows while you watch the weather channel. 

There are four bees working this stem. 
They saw the spring snows in Denver and knew there would be nothing to eat once they moved up from San Antonio. So they decided to spend a few more days in the warm town of Brownsville.

This is the first butterfly photo opportunity.  Welcome on Monday 4-22-13 ...mark that down for next year.
Confession...hunting the first back yard critters of the year with a camera reminds me of sitting in a tree stand waiting on a buck. It's fun to watch the yard critters. Spring has sprung and there is plenty of activity among the squirrels and the lovey dovies. 

The back yard conversion has worked. It is now a garden full of life. Instead of just grass and oaks it has become a wonderful place to enjoy. Smells good too !

Monday, 4-22-13, and I was back out with the camera. The weather was warmer and the activity heated up. Not only did I see three or four butterflies but I found this beautiful 
(monarch ?) caterpillar as well ! 

Welcome to the Butterfly Hotel ! Yee Haw !!  We are on our way to becoming a Monarch way station.

Well what do you know ? Monday we not only see our first official visitor but we find the results of previous visits as well. The Butterfly Hotel gets it's first long term stay.
The pollinators are happy ! I am happy ! Now all we need are our pals from the Hummingbird tribe. OK, a few dragon flies and a lightening bug or two would be neat but we can't expect too much in the first year.

                       John B. Boykin 
                      "The Hard Hat Photographer"
                                 Photography link

If you would like some advice on building a butterfly hotel, don't hesitate to email or write in the comment section. This is a demonstration garden open to the the public. I will share what I learned as I built this set up. Experience is definitely the best instructor. I had none therefore gained a ton.


  1. Great encouraging emails from Ron in Austin, Brenda in Little Rock, Linn in Madison, Bill in Nova Scotia, Walt in Garland, Janie Mae in Benton and Doc Kip in Boerne. Thank you all a bunch. I appreciate the encouragement and the critters thank you for the compliments.

  2. Hey John That's a happy 5th instar monarch caterpillar munching away on your A. texana or Texas Milkweed. Please email me an image with your name on it that I can use in my presentations. We really don't have documentation that monarchs use texana; now thanks to you, we do!
    And if it's OK, I'll send you image to Journey North and the Monarch Larval Monitoring Project, or I'll give you the email address and you can send them.
