Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Movie Reviews: Sherlock Holmes, Universal Studios, Volume One

Holmes and Watson


            Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce

               Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror

               Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon

                        Sherlock Holmes Faces Death

                       Sherlock Holmes in Washington


This boxed set is from Universal Studios and was created during World War Two.  They were purchased them from Border's but we suspicion they could be much less from other sources. Amazon has it new for $54.50. Each movie runs in the neighborhood of an hour.

Before we get into the individual movies let me say I do not intend to give away plots nor spoil the movies. We review. I hope to describe them by giving you my notes and reactions as a photographer. 

We won't offer a recommendation, good or bad. I would also say to the Sherlockian devotee, I am no expert, merely a fan. You will be able to pick lots of fault with the reviews. Please try to remember everything done for the "Boomer Magazine" is meant to be fun and entertaining for the Boomer generation. 

We suggest you watch these movies with your family. Yes, you can do that and have no fear of embarrassment or gross violence. The civility in a Holmes movie is a powerful eye opener when contrasted with the Hollywood of today. It won't hurt the kids or grandkids to see a classier style of movie production.

For personal pleasure we suggest you watch them once normally. Then later come back and turn the movie on, sit back in your favorite chair and close your eyes. Yes, listen to the movie as if you were a little kid listening to an evening broadcast on radio. It is a hoot. Even if you have to put a towel or napkin over your eyes to keep from cheating, do it. Try to get through the entire hour without opening your eyes. It will take you back to a simpler time. 

No matter how you view these movies, I can promise you every additional time you watch one you will see things you missed the first go round. They are that good.

Universal Studio had license to produce several movies based on the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle character Sherlock Holmes. Not on his stories per se. Therefore, they had the ability to come up with similar story lines but place the setting in whatever era they pleased.

Now here are the cast line ups. The movie package had a "liner notes" or program thingee in it, but frankly, it lost me. Way too much info, with the pertinent data lost in the mix.

Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes with pipe and houndstooth (?) deerstalker cap.

     Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror


                 Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes

                    Nigel Bruce as Dr. John Watson

                 Evelyn Ankers as Kitty the pretty girl

           Thomas Gomez is the bad guy R.F. Mead

                      Setting is war time London

                                Viewer's notes.

War time espionage thriller, "Any man may walk where he pleases",  "And live to regret it", Great cast..patriotic speech by blonde bombshell. Evelyn was only 24 when she made this movie. Gomez was later in Bogart's Key Largo.

Hoodlums, gentlemen, rich, poor, tart's, cabbies all pitching in to save England during war time. Spies and bad guys.

Sacrifice, honor and valor for England and the free world.

Homes solves the mystery and England is saved. 

                                        Buy Bonds !



Rathbone as Holmes in trenchcoat, pipe and cap.

                               Universal Film # 2

   Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon



                   Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes

                   Nigel Bruce as Doctor John Watson

                   Lionel (Pinky) Atwell plays Moriarty

                    Dennis Hoey is Inspector Lestrade

                     Roy William Neill is the Director

                               Viewing notes: 

WW2, Switzerland and England, 221-B Baker Street, Nazi Agents, secret weapons, espionage, Holmes must protect the world by stopping the Nazi's spy efforts, intrigue, evil spies, high tech secrets, disguises, cockney accents, peg leg sailers, secrets codes.  All good stuff. 



 Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes violin in hand, mind engaged. The game is afoot. 

                    Universal Film # 3

              Sherlock Holmes Faces Death



                  Basil Rathbone is Sherlock Holmes

                      Nigel Bruce is Dr. John Watson

                            Dennis Hoey is Lestrade

             Hillary Brook as the pretty Sally Musgrave 

             Frederick Worlock as Geoffrey Musgrave

                     Gavin Muir as Phillip Musgrave

                        Halliwell Hobbs as the Butler

                      Minna Phillips plays the Housekeeper

                        Three Patients are:

                           Vernon Downing

                             Gerald Hamer

                                Olaf Hytten

                Director and Producer is Roy William Neil

                                  Viewer's notes:

Spooky old Mansion, spooky old family, good looking girl, war time video of London, Lord of the Manor, Holmes hair is back to normal, war time convalescing army officers, mystery, secret codes from the past, great dramatic lighting, lightening, thunder, dark and stormy night, did the butler do it ? Pet ravens, English pubs, English village, friction between Watson and Lestrade, staff secrets, family secrets, the patients are lying, why ? 13 bells, rituals, scary old crypt, new detective gadget, secret passageways, stumbling and bumbling, Holmes sets a trap, Holmes faces death. Mystery...enjoy !



Basil Rathbone caped, capped and piped as Sherlock Holmes ready to take on the evils of the world.

                              Universal Film # 4

          Sherlock Holmes in Washington


                       Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes

                          Nigel Bruce as Dr. John Watson

             Marjorie Lord as the beautiful Nancy Partridge

                Gilbert Emery as Sir Henry Marchmont

               Thurston Hall as Senator Henry Babcock

             Gerald Hamer as the good spy John Grayson

                      Clarence Muse as the train porter

                    Henry Daniel bad spy William Easter

                 George Zucco head bad spy Heinrich Hinkle

                               Directed by Roy William Neal

                                    Viewer's Notes:

Foghorn Leghorn, Washington in War time, like looking into history, WW2, spies, secret documents, world leaders, luxury trains and planes of the era, Mrs. Hudson, secret compartments, Rathbone's hair with strange side curls, urgent flight in private bomber, Porter steals scene, good spies vs. bad spies, beauty in peril, Holmes tricks bad guy. Holmes saves the free world from the evil axis. Buy Bonds. It's a war movie to help with the cause. Back when Hollywood was on America's side. Enjoy the genre !




                            This article brought to you by:

                           "The Boomer Magazine"

          Entertainment for the Boomers by the Boomers !

   To learn more about the Boomer Magazine Project go to:



                                 John Boykin


http://www.commimage.com/     photography web site

Hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane. We'll try to do some more dvd packages from yesteryear and maybe a few new ones as well.

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