Thursday, February 24, 2011

Movie Reviews: Sherlock Holmes, The Hound of the Baskervilles

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson ready for action

This Jeremy Brett version of the Hound of the Baskervilles comes from a boxed set of five called, The Sherlock Holmes Feature Film Collection. The package was released by Granada Media. It is digitally restored and in color.

                     To see linked info click on the red words.

This movie was released in 1988. There were no "liner" notes. We are still waiting on a book to help with background info. The screener's notes are from personal scribbles.
Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holme

In the past we reviewed the boxed sets as a group. For this one we will break precedent. "The Hound" is a major part of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's overall body of work. We think each rendition requires individual inspection. Jeremy Brett and Edward Hardwicke do a masterful job with this two hour full length version. 

Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes in front of 221b Baker Street

We would like to commend the film makers and the actors for keeping this Holmes series true to the period not only in scenes, sets and language but demeanor and culture as well.

This movie can be viewed by the preteen as well as the adult. A lot can be learned from the "gentle men and ladies" of Sherlockian England.


Sherlock Holmes                              Jeremy Brett

Dr. John Watson                               Edward Hardwicke

Sir Charles Baskerville                   Raymond Adamson

Dr. Mortimer                                      Neal Duncan

Barrymore                                         Ronald Pickup

Mrs. Barrymore                                Rosemary McHale

Sir Henry Baskerville                        Kristoffer Tabori

Stapleton                                            James Faulkner

Beryl Stapleton                                   Fiona Gillies

Mr. Franklin                                       Bernard Horsfall

The Vicar of Grimpen                         Donald McKillop

Selden                                               William Ilkley

Post Mistress                                      Myrtle Devenish

Laura Lyons                                        Elizabeth Spender

Man Servant                                       Donald Bisset

Stuntman                                            Garth Milne          

                                Screening Notes

Murder..request for help...The death of Sir Charles Baskerville.  Missing boots...warning letters...foot chase..


"an ugly and dangerous business"....."avoid the moor"....escaped convict....

beautiful carriages and carts...this film took pains to ensure the period look...... authentic street scenes......1890's for sure...

                           great info link

Automatically "dressed" for dinner even tho only two Gentlemen present.  Watson as body guard......Watson...far from goofy in this one...."avoid the moor" a second Holmes Watson

A crying woman in the night seems to be out of place as the woman appears soon afterward......later it works...for the movie. Comments ? Or was it the viewer ?

Watson diverted by stranger....the howl of the hound....Grimpen village...Grimpen Moor....the Vicar of Grimpen.....Beautiful brunette...Mrs. Stapleton.....butterflies ....

A gathering of players for dinner.....helps identify them later....woman crying after dinner.....a light in the window ...a light on the moor......

Brave Doctor Watson and brave Sir Henry.....scary moor..scary man...scary beast....confessions and compassions......Holmes not needed ? 

Sir Henry goes against Holmes warnings....gets chummy with good looking brunette...angry scene from brother..makes no sense...Sir Henry falls for brunette ...a mystery at the Grimpen Post Office....

the Baskerville manor house is huge and absolutely beautiful...great it without electricity and indoor plumbing ????..mysterious woman's note to a dead man.

Mr. Franklin has useful information.....locked and loaded...Watson and Dr. Mortimer investigate.....Holmes surprise....death on the moors...Holmes has it figured out ?...sets a trap...digs deeper into motive and method....

pretty lady disappointed.....wife beater....bad guy...showdown...slippery villian ....slips away....big bad dog...

The End

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