Friday, January 14, 2011

Travel.....A few snap shots of Niagara Falls

The Niagara River above the falls

The American Niagara Falls
I'm not making excuses, well yes I am, but I had literally minutes to shoot the falls. A man I had been working with in southern Toronto double parked while I ran over the lawn and snapped a few shots.

This was certainly not the ideal situation especially since I had no idea what I was looking at or where I really should be to get a good view. I simply grabbed what I could and jumped back in the car before the cops could write us a ticket.
Down river view from falls area, Niagara River

Oh well if you have never seen Niagara Falls this will give you some idea of what they look like from the Ontario side.

Just above Niagara Falls

Looking down river from the falls area, Niagara River

Partial view Niagara Falls, Canadian side

Beautiful Niagara Falls
Canadian side of Niagara Falls, the city
Here she comes, The Maid of the Mist, Niagara River
I'll try to do better next time.



                              John Boykin       

                  The Hard Hat Photographer



                     The Boomer Magazine

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